

공공문제 해결을 위한 시빅해킹 해커톤
아시아 문제&시빅해킹 아이디어 피칭
그룹별 토의 및 문제 해결을 위한 협업
이슈 토크 - 각국 시빅해킹 프로젝트 공유
결과 발표
네트워킹 세션

What is FtO?

Facing the Ocean (FtO) is a community of civic hackers living in the West Pacific Ocean. Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack is our series of community events since 2019.
By emphasizing on diversity of participants and solution-oriented activities, we hope to create and strengthen a unique experience of commonality, shared among civic hackers across countries. We believe hearing each others’ problems, finding solutions and also having a good time together, is the foundational work of building a stronger regional network. We believe by connecting our sea of communities with openness and mutual trust, together we are more than enough to face the challenges of the ocean of the future.
Our website:
Facing the Ocean「面向海洋」FtO 是由生活在西太平洋的公民黑客組成的社群,「面海松」Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack 是我們自 2019 年開始舉辦的黑客松系列活動。
Our strength is in our diversity, listening and collaboration, sharing commonality and creating solutions across nationality and culture. Together, connected with openness and mutual trust, we are prepared to face the challenges of these turbulent seas.